The Cost of Education in Indonesia
In UUD 1945 Section 31 (1) states that "Every citizen is entitled
to education.". Indonesian education is a human right that must be met by
the institution that organizes education provided evenly. Given the importance
of education for all citizens, so that the position of education as one of the
areas that received serious attention in our country. Therefore, the government
is obliged to provide education for cheap and even free to the community. Cost
of education causes people to feel not able to enroll in an institution of
quality education so that poor people can only lesser-quality education in
ordinary educational institutions. Should a quality education in Indonesia that
apply to all citizens without exception, not just elite groups.
One of the factors that guarantee the future of a person is a quality
education. Supposedly quality education in Indonesia was held in all
educational institutions without exception and applies to all citizens.
Actually, all citizens have a right to a quality education, but the fact that
only certain groups and elite are able to enjoy the quality of education so
that many people are less able to just be able to enjoy the usual education
course. It is certainly very impact on the quality of Human Resources (HR) in
Indonesia. Because, human resources in Indonesia is still a few who have a
high-quality skills to compete in a globalized world.
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